Bondy’s Count
Les comptoirs de Bondy
statut : Europan 13 competition - 1st Prize
program : Urban study for the progressive mutation of a commercial zone along the Canal de l’Ourcq
client : City of Bondy, Est Ensemble, EPFif
area : 10,6 hectares
location : Bondy - Seine-Saint-Denis (93) - FR
team : VIS-À-VIS + Le Studio Dièse
year : 2015
The business and activity park on the banks of the Canal in Bondy is a suspended territory. For several years, the city has wanted to expand its area to open up to its canal and transform its image for the arrival of the new Grand Paris Express station. But the profitability of the signs prevents any project of simple mutation.
Bondy’scount is a poker game, which seeks to set in motion the transformation of the business park by leveraging the strengths of each stakeholder. City, franchises, small businesses and inhabitants meet around a negotiation table to find associations around convergent objectives.
Bondy’scount proposes to transform the business park on itself, taking advantage of the great flexibility of the metal hangars, into a heterogeneous city where activities, housing, equipment and leisure activities cohabit while maintaining their sometimes opposed logics.